On 5/4/06, Pedro Paulo de Magalhaes Oliveira Junior
Hello, I'm thinking about developing an IPS to pfsense. Does anybody knows
how to kill tcp connection or udp connection in pf based in string match?

For specific states, to use pf(4) to kill it you will need to add
another ioctl - else the closest is to use the DIOCKILLSTATES ioctl
that will kill all states to/from a given host or between a src/dest

Else, just send a RST with the appropriate sequence numbers (snort I
believe has an option for this - or maybe that was an addon patch,
don't recall).

I know Bill was doing something in this direction but maybe I can help if he
give me some pointers.

I was mainly working on this for traffic shaping.  I already have all
the kernel and userland code complete to see what queue a given state
is in.  I haven't written anything yet to update that queue (that
would require another ioctl - same one you'd need) as I've been
sidetracked on other stuff and this wouldn't have ever made 1.0


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