Hi All,

Yet another update.  I setup my mini-itx system yesterday.  A bit
under $400 for a 1.5 C7 with 512MB Ram and 4 enet ports (3 gig, 1
10/100).  On the performance front its total overkill as I pretty much
figured it would be.

Load averages seem to stay around 0.1 even when maxing out at 15Mbps.
CPU utilization is again no more then 20% or so.  On my multiple
torrents test I was getting about 9.6Mbps which I think is only due to
Azureus being a hog and using up all the CPU on my client.  The WRAP
box was only giving me around 6.4Kbps and that was with the CPU

So all in all not a bad upgrade, I wish there was something between
the WRAP and this solution but I couldn't find it.  I could've gone
with a 1GHZ motherboard and saved $40 and still be way overpowered,
but I figured 10% extra price for 50% performance boost was a good
price/performance ratio.

The only issue I had was I can't get the device to boot from a CF
micro drive.  It works fine on a CF flash drive using the same install
method (using the install CD and a USB flash reader on a diff PC).
Not sure what's going on but I had similar issues getting the WRAP box
to boot from that same CF micro drive, so maybe its an issue with
that.  f I ever get around to it I'll grab a USB CD Rom and install
directly on the mini-itx machine which might fix the issue.

In case anyone is interested I got all the below parts for this.



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