This sounds like a better route.  I wondered though, I know SSH access is
setup internally, but I assume I must create a rule to allow access to it
from the outside?  Can I setup access from another port than 22 on the
external interface or in the SSH config file?

A little new here to setting these types of rules up.  Thanks In Advance.

Heath Henderson
1800 288 7750

> From: Rob Terhaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: <>
> Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 10:50:34 -0500
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: [pfSense Support] Dynamic Rule
> why don't you just setup an ssh tunnel and give him psuedo vpn via that?
> On 9/18/06, Heath Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have a user who sits outside of our Office network.  I need to open up a
>> port for them to access Filemaker Through.  I want to eventually get a VPN
>> setup, but he has a Mac and I am not certain of how well the VPN will work
>> with X.4 right now.  I don't really have time to get this setup.  I thought
>> I would see about opening the ports up for him.
>> He is on a Dynamic DSL connection.  He travels frequently.  What is involved
>> in setting up a script which can be run every minute which will check a
>> dynDNS name and insert the correct IP # in to the rule I have setup for him
>> to access this port through the firewall?
>> I have this successfully working on a linux box with a hosts.allow script
>> running and inserting the correct IP# so he can ssh into a server remotely.
>> Thanks
>> --
>> Heath Henderson
>> --
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