Maybe I'm wrong, but one of the first intel ABG cards was based on a
5212 chip, thought it was the 2915 but maybe not. Been a while since i
last tried out the intel cards.


On 4/19/07, David Barbero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Chris Buechler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha escrito:

> That's not an Atheros card. It should be supported by the iwi driver
> though, we must not have that in the pfsense kernel for some reason?
> Maybe this is why, from the iwi(4) man page:
>     This driver requires firmware to be loaded before it will work.  You need
>     to install the ports/net/iwi-firmware-kmod port before ifconfig(8) will
>     work.

Probabily for the licence of the driver...

In FreeBSD 6.2 this driver come with distribution, but for use it, you
need a line in /boot/loader.conf (I don't sure is in this file...).


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