Sounds like the answer is no.  Since pfSense uses the OpenBSD pf
filter engine and that FAQ clearly states that pf doesn't support
hairpinning (I still haven't found any useful documentation on what
this really means), we don't support it.


On 5/11/07, Alexander Norman - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm using an implementation of JStunt ( ) which works fine
when there's only 1 client behind the NAT using the JStunt framework.
A simple description of the process would be that each host that need to
communicate with eachother setup an "Endpoint" and register with

It works to setup one endpoint behind pfSense and pass through the NAT
in both directions. Outside hosts can get a direct socket with me after
negotiating with rendevouz-server and hooking to my endpoint.

However when there is two endpoints behind the same pfsense NAT device
only one will be able to connect. For test purposes I setup two
instances of my NAT-traversing software on the same computer behind
pfsense. Usually I'm able to use rendevouz-server (outside NAT) which
gives me a destination address and port. But this time I wasn't able to
hook up to my other endpoint on the same computer. It works when I'm
behind another NAT translating device. I can connect from my local
network to rendevouz server which gives me a connection in from outside.
(hairpin translation if Im not entirely wrong about word choices)

A list of results of full results from framework developers can be found
at . BSD pf NAT is
mentioned at the bottom.

Im currently testing to make sure pfsense is working NAT to NAT which also seem 
to have trouble. It might be related but it may also be due to an outdated 
version of the framework or something with the rendevouz-server. Will 
investigate further.

Best regards
Alexander Norman

Chris Buechler skrev:
> Bill Marquette wrote:
>> I suspect he's talking about NAT-PMP
>> (
> Which seems mostly like a (currently) Apple-specific implementation of
> uPNP?
> NAT-PMP is not supported, though uPNP is.
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