installed pfsense 1.2beta1

On 6/7/07, Sean Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Here is the log file I'm getting when trying to install spamd.  I have a
fresh install of pfsense 1.0.1.  The file apkg_spamd-3.7_3.tbz is created
in the /tmp directory but is a zero byte file.

# cat pkg_mgr_spamd.log

installBeginning package installation.

Downloading package configuration file...

Adding text to file /etc/syslog.conf

spamd-3.7_3 Array


    [0] => tar: Error opening archive: Empty input file: Inappropriate
or format

    [1] => pkg_add: tar extract of /tmp/apkg_spamd-3.7_3.tbz failed!

    [2] => pkg_add: unable to extract table of contents file from
md-3.7_3.tbz' - not a package?

    [3] => pkg_add: 1 package addition(s) failed


Package WAS NOT installed properly.

Sean C. Peters

President / Founder

Tech Squared, Inc.

401 Albemarle Ave SE

Roanoke, VA 24013

540.767.TECH (8324)

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