I have seen some discussion on this topic in the past and according to what
I have read, it is supposed to be resolved.  However I cannot get it to
work.  I know the ftp server is set up just fine because it is fully
accessible from within my LAN (using its LAN address).  However, no matter
how I try and connect from the wan interface, it just times out.


According to what I have read, setting up a NAT rule to forward the ftp port
(21) from the WAN to the internal server and then letting pfsense create the
firewall rules (it created two) and then turning on the ftp helper
(un-checking it I believe) should get it done.  But no luck.  I have even
tried creating NAT and firewall rules for the dynamic ports.  My WAN IP is
public and my ISP is very good at not blocking anything so I am pretty sure
it is not my ISP.


Any suggestions?  As of this morning, I am running the latest stable version
of pfsense.


-          Dan

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