On Aug 27, 2007, at 6:27 AM, Eugen Leitl wrote:

We definitely need to get away from fixed partition size on the
embedded. A way to grow the filesystem would seem to be required,
or at least images which can handle larger flash cards (1 GByte CF
is a dime a dozen these days). It's too bad there's no vanilla CF
which can take a real r/w filesystem.

I'd be willing to put up some money to build a dual-flash image system. There would be three physical partitions on the CF card: firmware A, firmware B, and config. To upgrade you upload the firmware IMG file to the other partition, click some buttons to tell it to boot the new partition, and it does so. On failure, you click buttons (or select via the boot menu) and make it boot the original partition.

This could easily fit on even a 512Mb CF card.

Is there interest?  Should I start a bounty?

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