On Saturday 22 September 2007 06:05:42 tester wrote:
> Hello,
> --- Srdjan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > echo "/my/command/path" | at "16:45" (or "now + 15
> > min" etc)
> This was the command I typed from the shell:
> echo "shutdown -r now" | at "xx:yy"
> It seems it won't be executed at xx:yy
> I've done a search on the net and according to FreeBSD
> Man Pages, 'at' command is composed of several
> subcommands (such as atd,atq,atrm,atrun) which seem to
> be missing in current pfSense's implementation.
> If you read here:
> <http://nixdoc.net/man-pages/FreeBSD/atrm.1.html> it
> says:
> "Note that at is implemented through the cron(8)
> daemon by calling
> atrun(8) every five minutes.  This implies that the
> granularity of at
> might not be optimal for every deployment.  If a finer
> granularity is
> needed, the system crontab at /etc/crontab needs to be
> changed".
> So I opened /etc/crontab, but atrun entry is missing.
> Has 'at' been stripped away from pfSense build, since
> its components (e.g atrun, etc...) are missing?
> I don't know if something changed and those man pages
> are updated or not.
> Regarding heartbeat's feature, I thought to run a
> custom script during the FreeBSD startup and its
> shutdown, but I don't know how this unix OS works.
> > Cheers,
> > Srdjan
> Thanks to all of you!

why not just use the built-in features of the shutdown command?  if you are 
editing files, i would assume you are logged in on a terminal anyway:

shutdown -r 1800

(to reboot at 6pm).  here is the man page for shutdown (since it wont be on 
your pfsense box)


if you just want to know how long since last reboot...  type 'uptime'.

Jonathan Horne

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