Bill Marquette wrote:
>> Thus I would like to ask
>> 1/ how quickly should pfsense discover one of the units in the pool is dead?
> 5 seconds

thanks for that. From my limited testing that's what I observed. I'm
told we can live with that. I must admit to being lazy^W overworked,
trying to find a usable solution without having to roll a full HA
strategy for now ;-)

>> 2/ why didn't pfsense pick up the dead unit when I connected and know to
>> redirect, or at least only fail the once?
> Nope.  The load balancing is performed by pf which has no concept of
> dead servers.  The actual monitoring is performed in userland and the
> rules modified based on detection of dead servers.

It'd be nice if it also picked up the icmp dest unreachable, but that
might involve a bit of work!

>> 3/ can I tune the timers, can I add weights to favour one server over
> Nope.  I might be convinced to make the timers a tunable.  And I
> believe someone did try to do ratio style load balancing by adding the
> same server multiple times (I'm pretty sure the ratio load balancing
> works, I'm not sure if we actually allow for it in the UI).

no, it says the IP is already in the list and refuses to add it; I guess
that javascript could be changed to say "are you sure" and make it possible.

> Well, pfSense is a firewall, not a load balancer.  It was "easy" to
> add simple load balancing features, going any further would be a
> significant undertaking and in my opinion would distract from the
> goals of pfSense.

yes, I agree that trying to add a complex load balancing solution (such
as LVS) would detract from pfsense, I am just wondering where a
comfortable position would lie, even "haproxy" or "balance" might be too

> I suppose the main questions here are how important it is that you
> have more frequent polling (which btw, will increase the load on the
> web servers since we'll be hitting them more frequently), how
> important the "better" load balancing features are to you, and how
> much you're willing to spend.

I think being able to tune the time would be most practical to the
nearest tenth of a second (above, say, 5s could have a granularity of
1s), we're likely to be a high traffic site so it'd represent a
negligible impact overall.

I am happy to have a hack at the code and/or be a beta tester for this.
If we do go fully live with pfsense I anticipate a favourable reception
asking senior management to pay for pfsense support as they were
expecting to have to pay for a commercial option!


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