Jure Pečar wrote:

I rushed to 1.2 as many others did I presume ;)

Indeed, the one mirror out of 11 that I have checked stats on has seen 4,000 downloads in the first 24 hours.

I'm running 1.0-RELEASE on my home fw (simple adsl and two subnets). And I
am not able to upgrade it to 1.2 by any means.

"Firmware upgrade" through web gui: It looks like something (one of the
scripts) kills lighttpd immediately after the tar.gz is uploaded as no
changes are done to the filesystem and lighty needs to be brought back up
manually via ssh. So no luck that way.

This is why we implemented the console upgrade, lighty does stupid things like this occasionally for some people. I don't think it's easily able to be added to 1.0 though.

There is a way to upgrade manually from the console which should work. Do the following from the command line (either over SSH or actually on the console)

Note I haven't personally tried this, but others have reported it works with some of the 1.2 RC versions.

1.  fetch the upgrade file
fetch http://files.pfsense.org/mirror/updates/pfSense-Full-Update-1.2-RELEASE.tgz

2. Run the upgrade command
/etc/rc.firmware pfSenseupgrade pfSense-Full-Update-1.2-RELEASE.tgz

know from past expirience that pfsense is *extremely* touchy to quality
burners and cd media

That's not true anymore. I don't know when it changed but those issues went away a long time ago.

How are your CD-ROM and HD setup, on which IDE channel and master/slave? There was some combo that was problematic on some hardware, but I don't remember what (haven't seen it, personally).

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