I have a dual wan (not through choice only legacy) , the issue is that an openvpn connection needs to connect via the secondary wan connection ( ==> which is not the default route for the network see below (default route is from pfsense). Basically we need to connect through a node on the network to access machines on this sub net.

We can do this via mofiying the conf file directly but want to move to an app interface environment and use pfSense entirely.
Hints would be greatly appreciated.



the netwrok sample image

Michael Richardson wrote:

I've got a dual-wan setup and I want to cause traffic between an internal machine, and external machine to occur over WAN2 (I could use source or destination as criteria). Both public IPs would share a gateway so I've put a NAT device on WAN2 and connected the modem to it so now both WAN ports are on different subnets. (more)

With the appropriate LAN rule in place, traffic doesn't flow UNLESS I start a packet capture on WAN2 (I found this while trying to troubleshoot). Why would this be? Anyone got the time and know-how to help me troubleshoot this?

Here’s my setup. Hope the art comes through decently. The reason for the SpeedStream device is because otherwise both WAN interfaces would have the same gateway IP and I read that is unacceptable for a dual-wan config.


| WAN 67.x.x.12 |---- Cable Modem1

| |

| “pfSense 1.2” |

| LAN | ------------------------------------------------------------

| | | “SpeedStream 2601” for NAT |

| WAN2 |---------- | |------ Cable Modem 2

------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------

I want to be sure that traffic FROM or traffic TO 78.x.x.10 goes through WAN2 (I can use source, destination, or both).

Outbound NAT is set to Automatic and has only the default LAN rule in place. I have added a LAN rule, but instead of trying to communicate what it is and confirm it’s right, I think it would be faster if someone could tell me what it should be (at least one of the options), and I’ll just use that.

ANYthing else I haven’t mentioned, I likely don’t know about and need pointed out.

Thanks in advance, and I’m loving 1.2. The upgrade was flawless.


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