
Wandering if anybody has an idea for me with my dillema...

I have 5 WAN ports, 4 of them I get charged per Gb while the 5th is uncapped.. 
On my previous load balancer I was able to create a ''call schedule'' whereby 
the 4 'capped' WAN ports would be deactivated at night and then reactivate in 
the morning. Thereby only allowing traffic throught the 5th wan port which is 
uncapped. I see pfsense doesn't support such a function (yet). 

The one option is to set each of those 4 routers individually to disconnect 
their own WAN sessions but then can I safely rely on the load balancer to take 
those off the RRD ? 

Additionally when I reach my cap and get throttled down to a snails pace, I 
would like the load balancer to take that WAN port out of the RRD. Is it 
possible to configure the ICMP setting whereby if a ping is taking too long 
then it disables the interface ?  Or maybe to monitor total amount of Gb's 
uploaded and downloaded and then disconnect once reached the limit ?

Any help or ideas would greatly be appreciated !  

Mike Lever

Tenacity Films (Pty) Ltd
t/a Velocity Films
(t) +2711-807-0100
(f) +2711-807-1208

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