On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 9:40 PM, Jeppe Øland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not pretty much convinced that the RRD graphs going all NAN is
>  coused by more than one instance of updaterrd.sh running at the same
>  time.

You're not convinced?  Or was that a typo?

>  Now the big question is how more than one of them can be started in
>  the first place.

That should be impossible. After grepping through the entire source
tree, the only place updaterrd.sh is started is in pfsense-utils.inc
and right before it starts, it runs:
ps awwwux | grep '/[u]pdaterrd.sh' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill

Which works fine for me no matter how many updaterrd.sh processes I
manually start.

Is this something that comes back routinely for you? When you killed
them off what did you run?  Maybe we need to kill -9 to be sure.

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