On 5/6/08, David Rees <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All the files appear to be empty. No files are large. I suspect that
>  whatever triggered the issue has since resolved itself, otherwise we'd
>  have ping_hosts.sh scripts piling up every 5 minutes.
>  My best guess is that it's somehow gotten stuck in the loop reading
>  the config file near the top - possibly when doing the tunnel parsing.
>  This would make sense if the config file isn't written out atomically.
>  In the "while [ "$configline" != "</tunnel>" ];" loop there is an
>  explicit read - which doesn't appear to check to see if the read
>  failed or not  - unfortunately I'm not familiar enough with the while
>  read bash syntax to know what happens when a read fails - would have
>  to do a bit of research and am a bit short on time right this second.
>  How is the config file written to disk? Is it simply overwritten? Or
>  does a temporary config get generated and then linked over the
>  original config file?
>  If my theory is correct, I would suggest two fixes:
>  1. Make sure the config file is written atomically to the filesystem.
>  This means writing the file to a temporary file and then
>  moving/linking the temporary file over the real one.
>  2. Check that the read in the inner loop is successful and abort the
>  inner loop if not.
>  while [ "$configline" != "</tunnel>" ];
>  do
>         read configline
>         # check for successful read here and abort if not successful
>         # inner loop code omitted for brevity
>  done

Excellent suggestions.   Can you  make these changes to your file and
test?  If all looks well submit a diff -rub patch and I'll get it


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