I'm running PFsense 1.2 Embedded on an Alix2c3. Everything works (and has been working) good as far as I can tell. The problem I'm having is related to PPTP connections.

At the location this box is running at, the PPTP server is on. I used to be able to VPN in and access network resources (connect to file server via AFP, access router webGUI).

A little while ago I used NAT to redirect SSH and HTTPS to an internal IP so a vendor could work on a local ReadyNAS unit. It seems like since then, I've not been able to access anything on the local network... I can connect to the PPTP server, it issues me an IP on the local subnet (router is at, PPTP server is at like via DHCP.

When I try to connect to the file server, the connection times out. When I try to connect to the WebGUI, no dice either.

When I try to ping the router's IP, I get no response. No error, but no response. Same thing happens when I try to ping other IPs on the network.

Any ideas? How do I begin to troubleshoot this? I've restarted the PPTP server and rebooted the device.

If I'm behind my PFsense install, I've turned off my PPTP server. I've even gone so far as to plug my laptop directly into my DSL modem to ensure that nothing on the local network is interfering. I've tried from different computers at different locations with the same result.

Thank you for the help.


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