
This issue has been covered a few times in the forums with various causes and effects. I recommend you check the forums out for further details. Most problems with snort not blocking or detecting things boil down to not enough memory available to snort and/or the wrong detection heuristic being used. Keep in mind that both squid and snort are VERY memory intensive applications and that if you don't have enough memory to feed the beasts, your results will be disappointing.

Brent wrote: running pfsense 1.2 release..using it as a firewall / nat. Im also
using squid , snort , imspector. What seems to be when i update
the rules for snort OR if i have to stop any of those services for any reason,
starting them up is always a pain as usually squid starts up with no prob but
snort will say its running and there will be a daemon in the process list
....but it actually isnt doing anything .. I can usually tell by the amount of
memory in use as well as nothing gets logged in the system logs with regard to
snort.. i usually have to stop & start all the services that i use in hopes
that snort will startup & work.  my question is is there a particular start up
order when starting snort / squid ?

thank you

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the love of power
the world will know peace -

Jimi Hendrix

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