> So... if a priorice a host over alll, why if I do a ping from the priorized
> hots I have 27 millisenconds, but when from othre host in the LAN I upload a
> file, the latency of the icmp grows to 220-270?

Yes that is normal.
Unless you also set ICMP to use a high-priority queue, it will go in the
same queue as the upload.
VOIP should still go in the high priority one.

You can try something like www.testyourvoip.com from your PC and see what
latency it reports with/without an upload running at the same time.

You can also make a VOIP call and look at the Status/Queues graphs ... all
the VOIP traffic should go to the higher priority queue, and the upload
should be in the default one.


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