
We have four internal NICs on our pfSense box; "LAN" , "LAN2", "LAN3" and 

I need to setup a static route for a remotely hosted network at our parent 
company's office so any traffic destined for that network is directed towards 
our site-to-site VPN concentrator / gateway box sitting on "LAN3".

My question is this; when creating static routes for a remote network, say in System > Static Routes I'm asked to specify the "Interface" from a 
pulldown menu.  If I specify "LAN" as my Interface does that mean the static 
route is only in effect for traffic on the LAN interface?  (and not LAN2, LAN3 
and LAN4).

After adding my route I've tried adding additional static routes to and selecting "LAN2" but the system tells me "A route to this 
destination network already exists" (which of course it does!)

Thanks in advance,


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