I power cycled it and it didn't help. It's one of those DSL modem/router combos with 4 ethernet ports in it. I've plugged tons of stuff into this thing over the years and I've never had to do anything special to get the device to at least be able to ping the router itself let alone contact stuff on the internet.

I actually have two gateways running pfsense on this thing just fine. They are both able to ping the router and internet. I never had to set up MAC spoofing or power cycle my modem/router to get them to work.

I even tried putting the soekris box on a small lan and having it try and ping a PC and it couldn't even do that. I'm not seeing any errors when I boot the box or in the logs.

Is there anything else I can look into?
Chris Buechler wrote:
On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 5:50 PM, Joseph Wagner <lawn.dart.de...@gmail.com> wrote:
Has anyone been able to get pfsense to run properly on a Soekris net5501
embedded pc?

Lots of people.

I've installed the embedded image into my board and everything work fine
except I can't get any traffic to  go through the WAN port.  I am able to
access the webconfigurator from the LAN port and ping things from the LAN
port fine.  I've tried switching which ports pfsense uses, different network
setups, firewall rules, changing cables, you name it.  I still can't get the
WAN port to ping my DSL gateway or contact anything else.

Power cycle your DSL modem. And/or try MAC spoofing whatever you had
plugged in before. Sounds like an ISP issue, one or both of those may
resolve it.

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