2009/6/19 Matias Surdi <matiassu...@gmail.com>

> Mark R wrote:
>> Did you set up forwarding of requests to lo0 from the LAN?
>> Is tinydns configured to respond to queries from your subnet?
>> 2009/6/19 Matias Surdi <matiassu...@gmail.com <mailto:
>> matiassu...@gmail.com>>
>>    I've installed the TinyDNS package. It's listening on
>>    Then I've setup the DNS forwarder to resolve a certain domain
>>    against the authoritative name server
>>    This doesn't work when making queries from the lan. The request gets
>>    to the forwarder but then it's lost and there is no traffic on
>>    lo0.Instead, if I do a DNS query from the pfSense box itself to
>> then there is traffic on lo0 and the DNS works Ok.
>>    I think that there is any default pfSense rule prohibiting the traffic.
>>    Is this the supposed way to work of TinyDNS and the forwarder or I'm
>>    missing something?
>>    Thanks!
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> Yes, I've setup a rule to allow *everything* from the lan with destination
> port udp 53.

            you allow traffic. But do you rdr it? Otherwise how will it get
to port 53
             I think this is why it works locally and on the pfsense box and
not for the LAN.


> And no, I want tinyDNS to listen only in and then the DNS
> Forwarder to forward request for just one subdomain.

             I might be wrong. Long time since I set it up. But I think
tinydns needs to be told
             respond to dns queries from your LAN, otherwise it will ignore

> When I setup an "external authoritative dns" for a subdomain on a lan ip,
> it works. When I change that IP to the incomming request are sent
> to the ISP dns servers.
> Is there any documentation on how is this supposed to work? The dns-server
> package replaces or complements the DNS Forwarder?
> Can both be used in the way I'm trying?
> What I want, is to have a domain, let's say: site.local and route all
> request to dev.site.local to TinyDNS, so that I can add or remove individual
> records on it.
> Can this be done?
> Many thanks for your help guys.
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