Tim A. wrote:
Attached a patch against 1.2.3-rc2 adding support for auto configuring interfaces. By enabling sshd in the default config.xml on the Live CD installer, this eliminates many headaches for installs:
No monitor / keyboard / mouse required.
No console cable required.
Install to headless boxes that don't even have console ports!
No more crackin open your box to screw with CF cards and /etc/fstab nightmares (for being installed to a /dev/device that no longer exists!).

Just plug-in, turn it on and ssh to the default IP.

This is a link to an ISO built with this patch and my previously submitted DHCP Server patch. http://techneck.goldenpath.org/pfsense/pfSense_1.2.3-R2_RELENG_7_2_techneck_patches.iso

The new code will pause to allow interruption for manual assignment. Any keyboard input will interrupt the procedure. But if left unattended the code will timeout to begin the automated process. The code assigns interfaces in the order they were discovered, LAN, WAN, OPT1, OPT2, etc... If only one interface exists and is vlan capable, the code with create vlan0 tagged VLAN1. But this will invariably be assigned to WAN as LAN is assigned first and obviously the parent NIC is discovered before the vlan0. This is appropriate behavior though given the undesirable situation of having only 1 NIC, and installation priorities. It is appropriate because it is more likely that the typical user is not actually prepared to connect to VLANs and his priority is to connect to the LAN interface to install and configure his box


+1 for you. This looks like a great and much needed feature. Thanks!


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