> To: support@pfsense.com
> From: vand...@gmail.com
> Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 10:07:03 +0200
> Subject: [pfSense Support]  Re: odd sip firewall issue
> Tebano epaminonda wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >> To: support@pfsense.com
> >> From: vand...@gmail.com
> >> Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2009 18:56:03 +0200
> >> Subject: [pfSense Support] Re: odd sip firewall issue
> >>
> > [...]
> >>
> >> Thanks for the help.
> >>
> >> When I do a dump on the pflog0 interface than I see the packets coming
> >> in but now to the internal address instead of the external address. So
> >> all seem to be doing fine expect for the fact that it never leaves the
> >> the lan interface.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >>
> >> Richard
> > 
> > Sorry for the stupid question, but have You also tried to "disable the
> > firewall rules on the same interface"?
> > Cheers,
> > Tebano.
> > 
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> Hello Tebano,
> Questions are rarely stupid if you do not known the answer to it.
> You had me haunting for the answer as I am using vlans which might have
> been going through the same physical interface, but that is not the
> case, so no communications is going through the same interface. So that
> option should not have any effect on my setup for this.

Not only vlans.
My question was simply for let You troubleshoot quickly if the "order" in Your 
firewall rules is correct.
> If I mis interpretated the option, please let me known.
> Regards,
> Richard

In other case, the only other "option" I see is: there's something not 
correctly working on your NAT.

You've to verify "point to point" the differences between interfaces're working 
and the one that not...

That's all.

Sorry for the thin suggestions.


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