From can you ping, if not what does
tracert -d show (this is MS Windows variant of
traceroute tool)?

Can you do the same from pfSense itself?


Hi Eugene,

Sorry for this other "out of thread" response. I think my provider is too agressive for spam filtering and that the mailing list traffic simply doesn't goes through.

Anyway, i'm a telecom engineer and i can tell your that pfSense seems to have a real problem (or maybe my config, we never know).

I've done static routing, OSPF, etc on the past (Cisco, etc) and i know what i'm doing. I'm not a pfSense expert though. I mean, sometimes i find it difficult to understand certain way of doing things in pfSense.

I can ping from to any host on subnet (pfSense LAN interface segment). I can ping pfSense interface
( but i cannot ping anything on the internet.  Tracert
"dies" past the L3 switch.  And yes, pfSense can ping anything.

As i previously said, i explicitely permitted all traffic on the LAN interface. I have manual NAT and i defined a rule for There are no access lists on the Layer 3 switch.

        I simulated a similar setup here in my lab with mOnOwall and it works 

Thanks for your help.

Guy Boisvert

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