
Wondering if someone can point me in the right direciton, I'm trying to upgrade a RC3 to RELEASE on my alix box. I'm using a 4G Flash card and the update file I'm trying to use is http://mirror.qubenet.net/mirror/pfsense/updates/pfSense-1.2.3-RELEASE-4g-nanobsd-upgrade.img.gz the original install of RC3

The install log shows :-

Misc log:

mount: /dev/ufs/pfsense1 : Operation not permitted
cp: /tmp/pfsense1/etc/fstab: No such file or directory
sed: /tmp/pfsense1/etc/fstab: No such file or directory
umount: /tmp/pfsense1: not a file system root directory

fdisk/bsdlabel log:

Thanks for any advice you can give!

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