Hi There,

I've built a couple of pfSense 1.2.3-Release boxes lately, they are super
stable. But with the ntop package things goes south quickly. I've got three
interfaces (all Intel GT class giganics) and ntop is listening to LAN and
OPT1. Once ntop starts, its good for about 5 minutes, then I get a single
line like this in my system log:

Apr 2 10:57:15 kernel: pid 13755 (ntop), uid 0: exited on signal 11 (core

I can go start the service again and it runs fine.

It does not appear to be hardware specific as I've tried this on a P4 1.8, a
Dual P3 1.4, and this morning on a dual opteron 250 box. All have tons of

The only packages installed are rate, squid, and lightsquid (besides ntop of
course). Squid runs in transparent mode.

Is there somewhere else I can poke around for root cause? There doesn't seem
to be very good troubleshooting info for ntop on pfSense.

I found this post in the forum, but the chmod didn't correct it for me.


Any thoughts?

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