can you try to regenerate the tls key file on your pfsense box and then
copy it to your clients? afaik your current key has not been generated on
your pfsense box, right? maybe thats why it says that there is not enough
key material to proceed ..

pfbox # openvpn --genkey --secret /var/etc/openvpn_server0.tls
pfbox # scp /var/etc/openvpn_server0.tls <user>@<clientip>:/path/to/dir/

and then retry. at the beginning I mentioned a similiar procedure but also
had a typo in it - sorry for that (in the "openvpn --genkey.." two genkey
parameters were included ..).

Nick Upson wrote:
>       openvpn[50734]: Key file '/var/etc/openvpn_server0.tls' used in
> --tls-auth contains insufficient key material [keys found=1
> required=2] -- try generating a new key file with 'openvpn --genkey
> --secret [file]', or use the existing key file in bidirectional mode
> by specifying --tls-auth without a key direction parameter

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