
I finally set up a failover box for CARP.  And so far, everything seems
to be working fine, with one minor detail.

WAN IP range: .65 - .96

.66 - .68 are setup as CARP
.65 and .69 are the WAN interfaces
Port forwards on .65 and .69

The problem:

When this was a single machine, I had port forwards set up on all the
IP's, and everything was peachy.  However, now with multiple machines,
the port forwards on the WAN interfaces will work, depending on the
machine that is active.

Take a port forward from .65 to internal address (master)
Take a port forward from .69 to internal address (backup)

The port forward to .65 works, but the .69 does not.  If the machines
failover (.69 becomes the active machine), the forward for .69 works,
but the .65 does not.  When .65 comes back up as the active box, the
forward on .69 stops working.

And since I don't have the WAN addresses as a VIP, this also breaks AON
for the mentioned IP's.

Last time I looked, I was told that the WAN addresses were useable for
IB/OB NAT, but it appears this is not the case, or I'm missing
something.  Any suggestions on where to look or any words of wisdom?

Thank you,

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