In 1.2.3 I had very good results adding the following lines to
/boot/loader.conf while using the squid package in transparent mode:

> hint.apic.0.disabled=1
> kern.ipc.nmbclusters="32768"
> kern.maxfiles="65536"
> kern.maxfilesperproc="32768"
> net.inet.ip.portrange.last="65535"

So far in 2.0 I have not seen that this is necessary, despite that my
connection speed has gone up by 400%. I'm not sure what these options
do or why they helped performance in 1.2.3, but it raises a couple
questions for me.

1. Have changes to 2.0 made the above tweaks superfluous?

2. If I wanted to try setting the above variable, would they still
belong in /boot/loader.conf, or is /system_advanced_sysctl.php the
place to put those now?



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