On 9/2/2010 12:03 PM, Curtis Maurand wrote:
> I found one Vyatta feature that trumped pfsense where I am.  the ability
> to route VPN via a secondary address/lan on one of the NIC's.  I could
> not make that happen w/pfsense.  Otherwise I would be using it, here. 
> In another location that I'm responsible for, I have it running quite
> nicely.  I really like the road-warrior IPSEC abilities that Vyatta
> doesn't have.

That should be possible by putting "local x.x.x.x;" in the config where
x.x.x.x is your LAN or internal IP, and by making sure you have a static
route to the other endpoint that leads out a local gateway.

In 2.0 you can pick any interface (even LAN) to run an OpenVPN instance on.


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