
Thanks greatly.  On my LAN network I had the first rule as allow any protocol 
from lan to anywhere via my ISP gateway not via default.  That was what was 
killing me, not sure why it was that way.

I am now able to pass back and forth with no issues.  You did however 
straighten me out on where and how rules are applied so next rules changes 
should be easier.

Is there anything in pfSense that would allow me to make a group of IP address 
call "GoodGuys" or something so that I can just add or remove IPs from the 
group to allow people in or block them out without having to add/remove rules 
for their IPs?

Once again thanks greatly for your assistance.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Burgess [mailto:apt....@gmail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2010 12:39 AM
To: support@pfsense.com
Subject: Re: [pfSense Support] Allow Traffic Between Interfaces

On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 10:11 PM, Ron Lemon <r...@maplewood.com> wrote:
> Hi David,
> I have switched the rules but I am still unable to ping 
> from any machine in / 24

Just to be sure, I have attached (I hope it makes it through) a screenshot of 
the rule you should have on your LAN interface. You should have a similar one 
on OPT1 with the source and destinations reversed.

> I hope I have this correct now.

Looks right to me. If your firewall rule is correct and you're still receiving 
no ping response then you'll need to check a couple things.

1. Is the receiving host set to respond to pings? i.e., no Windows firewall 
preventing it?
2. Do both hosts know that pfsense is the gateway and the default route? If receives a ping from and wants to respond, it has to know 
where to route the response. Because is not on its subnet (and you 
haven't given it a static route), it will send its response via the default 
route, so this needs to be the OPT1 interface of pfsense. If you have dhcp 
service enabled on OPT1 and your OPT1 hosts are getting their address via dhcp, 
then this is already happening.
3. If you don't want OPT1 to be the default route for the hosts on that subnet, 
then you must arrange static routes for those hosts, or enable outbound NAT 
from LAN to OPT1.


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