I noticed that a week or so ago and posted it in the forums with no response. I 
know it worked correctly 2-3 weeks ago. All the queues seem to get built, but 
nothing shows in the Queue view in the shaper or firewall rules. It also seems 
traffic only makes it to the default queue when you look at Queue Status. 

I also found an error in my system logs related to it. Look for my post in 2.0 
Feedback called Traffic Shaper Broken IIRC. 

------Original Message------
From: Cyril Jaquier
To: support@pfsense.com
ReplyTo: support@pfsense.com
Subject: [pfSense Support] [pfSense 2.0] Queue not available in rules editor
Sent: Nov 6, 2010 1:36 PM

Hash: SHA1

Hi all,

First of all, I'm a new pfSense user since Friday and really like it so
far :-) Thanks to all developers and contributors.

I'm playing a bit with the traffic shaper and noticed that if I edit a
firewall rule, only "none" is available for "Ackqueue/Queue". In the
rule summary, the queues are displayed (e.g. "qACK/qOthersLow"). Thus if
I try to edit a rule generated by the traffic shaper wizard, the queues
are lost.

Am I doing something wrong? Should I report this bug?

Version: 2.0-BETA4 (i386) built on Thu Nov 4 18:55:36 EDT 2010
System: Alix board
Scheduler type for the queues: PRIQ

Thank you.

Cyril Jaquier

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Kevin Tollison

Sent from my Blackberry

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