Then it's not pfSense, but Squid doing that!  Squid is a separate
package and not part of pfSense.  (I do know what Squid is as I built
and administer a squid server for a customer)


Moshe Katz wrote:
> Lyle,
> The original poster is correct that pfSense is publishing that data
> if/when squid is used.  Squid can add headers that contain the private
> IP of the computer that originated the request.  In the pfSense Squid
> package, the setting to send these headers is set ON by default.
> I had the same issue with one of my locations, where the site owner
> wanted a SquidGuard filter set up.  It was a slightly complicated
> setup and I did a lot of testing using web sites that I run and then
> saw a lot of private IP addresses in my site access logs.
> As I understand it, this feature of Squid is used primarily when Squid
> is set up as a reverse cache (i.e. in front of a web server).  In that
> case, the web server sees all traffic coming from the proxy's IP
> address and uses the additional header(s) to find out where the
> traffic really came from so it can apply access rules and do logging
> with the actual source IP.
> Moshe
> ------------------------------
> Moshe Katz
> KatzNet Computers
> -- <>
> -- +1(301)867-3732
> On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 8:33 PM, Lyle Giese <
> <>> wrote:
>     slamp slamp wrote:
>     >
>     >
>     > how is this possible? i am behind a standard install of pfSense
>     > 1.2.3-RELEASE which means i am NAT'd. how is pfsense publishing my
>     > private IP?
>     >
>     >
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>     What makes you think pfSense is publishing that data?  I have seen a
>     java script trick to get the end computer to report it's ip
>     address(which can be behind a NAT and can be a private ip address(like
>     192.168.x.x).
>     When I check that url, it displays my public ip address that's on the
>     WAN side of pfSense here.  But since I am connecting to their
>     webserver
>     via a TCP connection on port 80, they should know the public ip
>     address
>     I am connecting from.  It's part of how TCP/IP works.
>     Lyle Giese
>     LCR Computer Services, Inc.
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