I am using PFSense firewall in my office. I have a windows based mail server
in LAN and all the systems in LAN send mails thru the mailserver(icewarp
merak mail server). There is no spam problem. 

But the moment I allow my branch office people to send/receive mails using
my local mail server via my ISP allocated static IP ( this is configured in
pfsense WAN), lots of spam/virus being relayed thru my mail server and I
could see the same in my mail server Log.

Since many roaming users/branch office people are connected to this mail
server, how do I find out which remote client is compromised and sending
this spams using my internal mail server as a relay host.


Secondly is there any AV package for pfsense which can prevent smpt, pop,
ftp, smb viruses apart from http ( I have installed clamAV)


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