The last 3-4 upgrades that I've done using nano are not automatically rebooting 
after the upgrade is complete, even though it says it is on the console (and 
last night I left it to see if it eventually would, and it did not and I logged 
in this morning). The following is literally a cut and paste from the console 
window (other than the ip address).
Broadcast Message from
        (no tty) at 16:31 PST...

NanoBSD Firmware upgrade is complete.  Rebooting in 10 seconds.

Message from sysl...@firewall2 at Jan 12 10:05:37 ...
firewall2 php: /index.php: Successful webConfigurator login for user 'admin' 
from x.x.x.x

Using the console option to reboot does nothing. I have to drop to shell and 
issue shutdown -r now before it reboots. This is a 2g nano image that has been 
upgraded several times since beta 4 (I have pretty much been upgrading it every 
day for testing), and it has done this since Monday. FreeRADIUS is the only 
package installed and there is really no config to speak of as this is just for 


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