On 2011/01/14 2:50, Chris Buechler wrote:
On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 8:07 PM, Maik Heinelt<m...@vegasystems.com>  wrote:
Well, if I can help....
We have a PPPoE line for developing&  tests.
I could setup a pfsense 2.0 Beta5 box and make you ssh login to it.
Then you, or other pfsense developer can debug it.

That would be ideal, was going to ask for that but generally you can't
get Internet access to a box that can't connect to the Internet. :) If
you have another means of getting it on the Internet, that'd be great.
Contact Ermal off list with info.

Alternatively, for others who can't provide such access, getting a
pcap of the PPPoE attempts would be helpful, the logs aren't showing
much in this case. Running:
tcpdump -i xx0 -s 0 -w /tmp/pppoe.pcap

where xx0 is your physical WAN interface (em0, re0, whatever it may
be). Let that run for a few minutes and hit ctrl-c to break out, then
go to Diagnostics>Command and paste /tmp/pppoe.pcap in the file
download box, and email that file to me and/or Ermal off list.

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I will prepare a pfsense box, today and if you would like to debug it, I would appreciate it. We have more than one Internet lines, here, so I'm able to share the box one one Internet connection via SSH
and connect it to our spare one.
But I would like to be in the office, while you are on that machine. Just to be sure, weird things are going on, there! ;)

If you are interest, I will send you the connecting data on your personal email account.


<<attachment: maik.vcf>>

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