pfSense 2.0, most recent builds 

When I go to status/traffic graph, the graph is correct but the list of hosts 
is not. I don’t know if there’s something I’m not doing, but here’s what I did 
to test it: 

Put a windows machine (my laptop) on the LAN interface, and plug the WAN into 
my internal network. I connected to my file server from the laptop, and copied 
10 GB of data from the file server to the laptop. When I did, the graph showed 
98Mb of traffic fairly consistently, but the host list never showed more than a 
few kb of traffic for my laptop, and on the WAN side it never showed the file 
server’s ip address at all. It almost looks like the host list is only looking 
at traffic directed to pfSense itself as opposed to through that particular 

Anyone else confirm? 

I've noticed this same behavior as well, although it is on a 1.2.2 box with the 
'rate' package installed. 


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