Currently I have a small 1.2.3 setup going and I just started fooling
with 2.0 (B5).  I noticed the admin interface, both web and console,
seem slow.  In the case of the web admin, when I go from the main page
to, for instance, the rules page, there's quite a long pause.  In the
console, if a console message is displayed (a notice that someone just
logged onto the web admin, for instance) and I hit return to bring up
the main menu again there's a lag before the menu comes up.  Maybe not
an overall slowness but more of a lag or hesitancy.

Odder still is that the 1.2.3 machine (the faster one) is an old P4
or some such machine w/ 2x3c905 NICs (don't remember how much ram, but
it's not much, <1GB).  The 2.0B5 machine is a dual opteron @2GHz, 2GB
ram, 2xGbE + 1x100Mb NICs (all on-board).  Both are running LiveCD (amd64
in the case of 2.0B5) and config.xml is on a usb stick.

Any idea what could cause the speed discrepancy?  Could it be a usb2 vs.
usb1 thing?  Not a big deal, just curious.


Eric Inazaki                           ||
Washington University in Saint Louis   ||           314.935.6248 voice
Physics Department, Campus Box 1105    ||           314.935.4083 fax
One Brookings Drive                    || email
Saint Louis, MO  63130                 ||

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