On 2011-04-18 12:38, Chris Buechler wrote:
You can do that with floating rules. Check your resulting floating
rules in /tmp/rules.debug to ensure you have them configured
correctly, and enable logging on all your rules so you can determine
which rule matched.
You're right. It is possible to add those specific rules using Floating Rules. Thanks for telling me about /tmp/rules.debug, this is very much more helpful than trying to make sense of whatever's dumped by pfctl. They do appear in that file as follows:

GWWAN2 = " route-to ( em0 ) "
pass out log on { em1 } $GWWAN2 from to any keep state label "USER_RULE"

I have pasted the full /tmp/rules.debug at the end of this message for the full listing. And this seems to be what I asked for - with the exception of "keep state". I have tried with "no state" as well, and got the same result.

As you can see I've enabled logging on this particular rule as well. But the rule never seems to match, at least not when I look in the Web UI. The only rule I see matched is this:

@40 pass in log quick on em0 inet proto tcp from any to flags S/SA keep state label "USER_RULE: NAT chargen wan2"

My current instinct is that the return packets never even hit the firewall rules so that they may be policy routed, since the packet is part of a state. But I have no idea how I would verify that, or what I'd do to remedy that situation.


[2.0-RC1][r...@edgefw.multiwanlab.ita.local]/root(27): cat /tmp/rules.debug
#System aliases

loopback = "{ lo0 }"
WAN1 = "{ em1 }"
LAN = "{ em2 }"
WAN2 = "{ em0 }"

#SSH Lockout Table
table <sshlockout> persist
table <webConfiguratorlockout> persist
#pfSnortSam tables
table <snort2c>
table <pfSnortSamout>
table <pfSnortSamin>

table <virusprot>

# User Aliases

# Gateways
GWWAN2 = " route-to ( em0 ) "
GWWAN1 = " route-to ( em1 ) "

set loginterface em1
set loginterface em2
set loginterface em0
set optimization normal
set limit states 22000
set limit src-nodes 22000

set skip on pfsync0

scrub in on $WAN1 all    fragment reassemble
scrub in on $LAN all    fragment reassemble
scrub in on $WAN2 all    fragment reassemble

nat-anchor "natearly/*"
nat-anchor "natrules/*"

# Outbound NAT rules
nat on $WAN1  from to any -> port 1024:65535
nat on $WAN2  from to any -> port 1024:65535

# Load balancing anchor
rdr-anchor "relayd/*"
# TFTP proxy
rdr-anchor "tftp-proxy/*"
table <direct_networks> { }
# NAT Inbound Redirects
rdr on em1 proto tcp from any to port 19 ->
rdr on em0 proto tcp from any to port 19 ->
# UPnPd rdr anchor
rdr-anchor "miniupnpd"

anchor "relayd/*"
# default deny rules
block in log all label "Default deny rule"
block out log all label "Default deny rule"

# We use the mighty pf, we cannot be fooled.
block quick proto { tcp, udp } from any port = 0 to any
block quick proto { tcp, udp } from any to any port = 0

# Block all IPv6
block in quick inet6 all
block out quick inet6 all

# pfSnortSam
block quick from <snort2c> to any label "Block snort2c hosts"
block quick from any to <snort2c> label "Block snort2c hosts"
block quick from <pfSnortSamout> to any label "Block pfSnortSamOut hosts"
block quick from any to <pfSnortSamin> label "Block pfSnortSamIn hosts"

# SSH lockout
block in log quick proto tcp from <sshlockout> to any port 22 label "sshlockout"

# webConfigurator lockout
block in log quick proto tcp from <webConfiguratorlockout> to any port 443 label "webConfiguratorlockout"
block in quick from <virusprot> to any label "virusprot overload table"
antispoof for em1
antispoof for em2
# allow access to DHCP server on LAN
pass in on $LAN proto udp from any port = 68 to port = 67 label "allow access to DHCP server" pass in on $LAN proto udp from any port = 68 to port = 67 label "allow access to DHCP server" pass out on $LAN proto udp from port = 67 to any port = 68 label "allow access to DHCP server"
antispoof for em0

# loopback
pass in on $loopback all label "pass loopback"
pass out on $loopback all label "pass loopback"
# let out anything from the firewall host itself and decrypted IPsec traffic
pass out all keep state allow-opts label "let out anything from firewall host itself"
# make sure the user cannot lock himself out of the webConfigurator or SSH
pass in quick on em2 proto tcp from any to (em2) port { 80 443 22 } keep state label "anti-lockout rule"

# User-defined rules follow
pass out log on { em1 } from to <vpns> no state label "NEGATE_ROUTE: Negate policy route for vpn(s)"
pass  out log  on {  em1  }  $GWWAN2  from to any  no state
pass  out log  on {  em0  }  from  to <vpns>  no state  lab
pass  out log  on {  em0  }  $GWWAN1  from to any  no state
pass  in log  quick  on $WAN1  proto tcp  from any to fl
pass  in log  quick  on $LAN  from to any keep state  la
pass  in log  quick  on $WAN2  proto tcp  from any to fl

# VPN Rules
anchor "tftp-proxy/*"

# uPnPd
anchor "miniupnpd"

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