On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 1:15 PM, Warren Baker <war...@decoy.co.za> wrote:

> On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 9:14 AM, Shibashish <shi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am running pfSense 2.0-RC1 (i386) as FW + LB. I saw a
>> weird behavior yesterday on the box, the webonfigurator was working and i
>> was able to add/change rules as well as load-balancing policies, but the
>> policies would not take effect, i.e. there was no change in the
>> traffic behavior although it showed that the configuration was in effect. I
>> tried to change the lb pool, redirect to different set of backend servers,
>> still no change. On digging further, i found 2 lines in "dmesg" ...
> Remember that there are active sessions which are in the firewall state
> table, these sessions will continue to work regardless of your changes until
> these sessions expired. I am no expert on the server load balancer so I am
> not sure whether states are removed when changes are made to pool (i know
> states are changed when there is a server that is marked as down). So
> someone else will need to answer on that.
*To add, I did flush out all the states, i.e. did a "reset states". I missed
writing this.*

>> WARNING: / was not properly dismounted
>> WARNING: R/W mount of / denied.  Filesystem is not clean - run fsck
> This indicates that there was a hard reboot and the system was not cleanly
> shutdown due to a power failure, OS crash or similar.
> So on the next boot a file system check took place to ensure the
> consistency of the file system which would have fixed any problems
> automatically.
> *Does pfSense do a fsck on reboot/boot... can you/someone please confirm.*

>> But, I was able to create and rm a file on the file-system. There was no
>> hard reboot of the server and it had an uptime of 45+ days.
> This would then have happened prior to the 45 days.
> *I did a touch and rm after seeing the issue and the log file. The
filesystem was writeable.*

>> 1. Why should the filesystem become dirty... how do i prevent it?
> Besides a hard reboot from an OS crash, use a UPS to ensure the system is
> up when there is a power failure so that you can at least have time to shut
> it down.
> *The FW is in the datacenter, so the power and ups issue is taken care of.
There might have been a fluctuation in one of the circuits, this cannot be
proved as of now.*

>> 2. Shouldn't the webconfigurator show warnings/errors if this happens?
> No since fsck fixes the file system on boot. If it didn't or could not fix
> it, the system would not boot and drop you to a shell. You would then have
> to manually fix it.
> *My point was that, shouldn't webconfigurator show a warning/error that fs
is readonly and new config cannot be saved/activated.*

> thanks
> --
> .warren

Thanks a ton Warren.

while ( ! ( succeed = try() ) );

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