Hmmm.. News to me. Last I used MSN, you could only create / sign in 
with a address on one of their domains - hotmail, msn, etc.

Thanks for the info.

At 05:15 PM 2/4/2009, you wrote:
>That's actually not correct.  With MSN, there is no restriction as to
>which domain you may use.  Usernames can be any email address.  In fact,
>none of mine are at Microsoft's domains.  Evan Platt's information was
>completely inaccurate.
>What does have to be the case is that you have an MSN / Windows Live
>Messenger account of some kind with an email address and password, then
>you will need to add that account in Pidgin, and once connected, you
>will be able to add any person's email address if they have registered
>an MSN account with it.

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