Hello all,

I was hoping someone could offer a solution or workaround to this problem.
I use the "sort by status" option in my Buddy List and I have all my buddies
from each of my three protocols (AIM, GTalk-XMPP, and Facebook Chat [Pidgin
Facebook Plugin]) in a single group.  A problem arises in the priority
sorting of these buddies.  It goes, from top to bottom, all-available,
AIM-away, FB-idle, GT-do not disturb, AIM/GT-idle, AIM-away+idle,
AIM-mobile.  Is there possibly a way to change the order in which these
various status groupings are sorted?  For instance, can I place "GT-do not
disturb" ahead of "AIM-away"?  I've been searching the Pidgin support pages
and the internet at large for an answer or solution for several days, but
have come up so far with nothing.  For what it matters, I'm running Pidgin
2.5.5 on WinXP-SP2.

Thanks a lot!
Mike Katz

Michael Katz
Support mailing list

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