These have probably been discussed here before (I'm new to the list),
but I've searched and haven't found any answers to my problems.

I am connected with the sipe plugin to a MS Communicator. There are a
couple of issues that I have. Any help would be greatly appreciated:

1- I get HTML coding coming through with text from people on
Communicator 2.0, for example:

        (11:19:43 AM) <DIV
        style="font-size: 9pt;font-family: MS Shell Dlg 2;color:
        #000000;direction: ltr">Yeah. Which plug in are you using? The
        new SIPE?</DIV> 

2- People on Communicator 2.0 don't see me as online when I am. It
usually says I'm off-line.

3- I don't always see the right status for someone that is on
Communicator whose status is not "on-line." Sometimes it shows Busy
instead of Away, etc.

Thanks for your help!!!


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