First I have to say that I am a former MirandaIM User when I had a WIN32 machine and I was happy about it. Now I use Pidgin on a Xubuntu machine and it makes me as happy as MirandaIM. Actually it is even better and makes me happier because Pidgin is easier to use and to set up than MirandaIM.

However there are some functions that MirandaIM has but that I can't find or miss when is use Pidgin.

Firstly I can't find any option to disable the groups generally. Maybe I am blind. However I searched it for weeks every now and then. I actually never used the groups in the past so my contacs are very unsorted now. If the list is alphabetical and divides between online and offline contacts I am totally glad. Groups are overestimated.

Secondly MirandaIM is able to set differnt away stati (btw is this plural form right? I am German and we decline the Latin way ^^) for the different protocols. I miss this too because traditionally I get more spammed on ICQ than on MSN. So I like to be invisible on ICQ while it is annoing on MSN since you can't write messages on MSN while you are invisible. Actually that is more a problem of the MSN protocol but Bill Gates wouldn't listen to me. So you must ;).

with best regards and thank you for your patience ,

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