Hi I have an Belco Alpha 400 notebook that I purshase from Geeks.com 3 months 
ago it uses the Linux's operating system and it has Pidgin IM. Well up till 2 
days ago it was working find and I was using Yahoo Messager with no problems, 
but when I got up on Tuesday Morning July 7th it would no longer aloud me to 
use the messager,  it will no longer pull up my Buddy List nor will it let me 
put any in manually. Also it is giving me error messages saying it no longer 
reconize yahoo messager at all. I spent  the last 2 days trying to trouble 
shoot  it myself which did me no good. So  I need help with this problem. You 
may email me at this address or call me at  575-636-2281 

Kay Hall

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