On 1/6/2010 12:03 PM, Betty Garrison wrote:
> I have the buddy names expanded in the window.  is that the same thing?


On 1/6/2010 12:04 PM, Betty Garrison wrote:
> like under Buddy names/Show/Buddy details

Keep all replies going to the list. I have it sent to you as well
because I don't know if you're subscribed.

No, that just makes the contacts bigger and shows buddy icons to the
right of their name. Here is a screen shot of what I am talking
about[0]. The first contact (as indicated by the black text) isn't
expanded and only shows the name once (blocked out for privacy). The
second contact (as indicated by the red text) is expanded and will show
the name twice. To disable that for your users, go to each user, right
click on them, and select collapse. If that isn't what your list looks
like, then I'm not sure what's up.



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