On 2/2/2010 10:56 AM, Courtney Hollimon wrote:
> Hi support,
> I have a colleague on ICQ that I chat with regularly.  I recently had to
> switch computers and now whatever he types comes through like this:
> <FONT face="arial" size="2" color="#000000">sometimes</FONT>
> I have uninstalled and reinstalled Pidgin, removed him and re-added him
> as a buddy, and he has tried using different fonts, but it doesn't fix
> the problem.  No other contacts have this issue.  Can you help?
> Thanks!
> C

There's a preference (don't know exactly where it is at the moment) that
allows you to strip formatting off all incoming conversations. I started
having that problem and once I did that, no problem. (:
Yours In Christ,

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