On 02/02/2010 05:32 PM, Dario Laverde wrote:
> I'm getting the following login error from login.yahoo.com with pidgin
> 2.6.5 and was wondering if anyone else has gotten this:
> yahoo, Authentication error: Account locked: Unknown reason.  Logging
> into the Yahoo! website may fix this.. Code 1236
> Anyone know what code 1236 means?

Generally, error 1236 can mean two different things, depending on when it's
received.  When received early in the login process (during the HTTPS auth
requests), it means that the account has too many failed login attempts--you
must log into yahoo's site and potentially wait a while before trying pidgin
again.  When received later in the login process (after auth is complete), we
don't yet know what it means.  I don't recall if we handle that error during
auth or not.  We'd need a debug log to tell when you're receiving the error, but
I would try logging into the website and waiting a while first.


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