On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 2:25 PM, Nelvin <nspryspar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello I using Pidgin 2.6.6 on Ubuntu 9.10, somehow when I chat with a
> Jabber account either from gmail or now Facebook it seems that pidgin
> crashes after I have windows open with those accounts.I trying to say is
> that when I multi-chatting in the same window of the chat and someone from
> a different protocol sends me a message the whole pidgin crashes, it happens
> only when I using a jabber account then a i wanna switch between the
> two different conversation I having.Meaning when a conversation opens and
> then some other protocol chat joins in somehow it crashes.Also the AIM login
> it crashes,no idea how to check the bug or whatever is cosing the problem?

That's weird.  I have not experienced either of those crashes.  Are
you using any third party plugins?  It might be constructive to file a
bug report and include backtraces from the crashes:

> P.S> also can you guys change the main sound theme of pidgin? just a thought
> here.

We're certainly able to change the main sound theme.  What would we
change it to?


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