On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 13:18, Harold F. Ayers Jr. <hfayer...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> My Windows 7 toybox had an older version of Pidgin installed (and for some
> reason, Aspell wasn't installed at that time).
> I noticed that Aspell wasn't installed while installing Pidgin 2.6.6, so I
> selected it to install Aspell, but the installation
> kept failing (unknown why, I'm guessing that the Pidgin website was either
> busy, my connection was timing out, or
> the Internet gods were mad at me again).
> I was finally able to read the FAQ pertaining to installing Aspell manually
> and got Aspell installed. The Pidgin FAQ
> doesn't state how to get Aspell working with Pidgin (or VIS-A-VIS).
> My question is ...how to get Pidgin working with Aspell?

You need to have both Aspell and the appropriate language dictionary
(the language in which Pidgin is running) installed, then it should
just work.


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